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This is How New York Works - Capital's coverage on Chris Quinn's participation at the To B'Shvat Seder

By Azi Paybarah January 30, 2013
Read it online.
Here's City Council Speaker Christine Quinn at the Boro Park home of Orthodox Jewish political operative Ezra Friedlander this weekend for Tu B'Shevat.

Conventional wisdom is that Quinn, who is openly gay, will have a hard timeappealing to the city's religious Jews. So the imageof Quinn in a room full of them is, to me at least, an unusual one.

Related: One of the men in this picture Albert Friedman, the editorof Ditzeitung, a Yiddish-language newspaper which edited a a White House photograph, for religious reasons, to remove Hillary Clinton. That's him, back left, with his hand over his mouth.

Also in attendance were City Councilman Brad Lander, Rabbi Yeruchim Silber of the Boro Park Jewish Community Council, Alex Rapaport, director of the Masbia soup kitchen, and radio host Zev Brenner, among others.

Sunday, January 27, 2013
with special guest NYC Council Speaker Chris Quinn
January 27, 2013
With years of experience behind, we have worked with clients as they broaden their campaigns.
New York City Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn's race to City Hall in 2013
Sunday, January 27, 2013
with special guest NYC Council Speaker Chris Quinn
January 27, 2013
New York City Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn's race to City Hall in 2013
Sunday, January 27, 2013
with special guest NYC Council Speaker Chris Quinn
January 27, 2013
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