One Seaport Plaza - 199 Water Street - 27th Floor
New York, NY 10038
(212) 233-5555

Rav Mattisyahu Solomon Kvias Mezuza

Harav Mattisyahu Salomon, Mashgiach of Bais Medrash Gevoha in Lakewood, found the opportunity to fulfill a wish he expressed - to see HASC Center’s Yeshiva Day Hab in Boro Park and visit with the special men and boys who spend each day learning and growing there. The Mashgiach also affixed a mezuzah on the front door of the Day Hab building located at 16th Avenue and 63rd Street.

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, , , ezra friedlander
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The Friedlander Group
One Seaport Plaza - 199 Water Street - 27th Floor
New York,  NY  10038
t. (212) 233-5555
f. (212) 233-5556